Monday, March 19, 2007

CD Project Thing #27 - Bush, Kate Bush, Busytoby, The Buzzcocks

Bush - "Sixteen Stone"
Bush - "Razorblade Suitcase"

Shut up. When I was younger, I quite liked Bush, and I still think they're pretty good (at least these two albums). My first ever concert was Bush and Veruca Salt at the Rosemont Horizon. And it was a good show, dammit! Shut up!

Kate Bush - "The Whole Story"
Kate Bush - "This Sensual World"

Bush, I like. Kate Bush, not so much. These are Marisa's, and she quite likes them, but I mostly don't. A few of the hits are ok, and it's pretty obvious she was probably a big Tori influence, but she's not very good. Oh well.

Busytoby - "It's Good To Be Alive"

Busytoby were a short-lived side-project of of Joe and Amanda from Wolfie and The Like Young. The sound is much closer to Wolfie, except with more girl vocals and lyrics that make a little more sense. It's a concept album - the concept being, the two of them (who were engaged at the time) were an old married couple looking back at their life. It's quite a fun little indie-pop album, it's a shame they never made another (and they recently claim to have retired from music entirely. Jerks. At least issue a b-sides cd!). Not really involving this cd, but I'll point it out anyway - "Put In The Reel", from Sarge's "The Glass Intact" (and the happiest song Elizabeth Elmore ever recorded, I think), is a cover of a 7" from Busytoby. Yay Champaign bands!

Buzzcocks - Singles Going Steady (Australian Import)

This is a reissue version, with an extra 8 tracks to the original. It's a great album, consisting of all the singles from the original run of the Buzzcocks and their b-sides. The Buzzcocks don't seem to be as popular as many of the late 70's punk bands were, but they're one of my favorites, because they tended to be a lot more poppy than some. I really ought to look into some of their old albums some day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tori Amos' work was influenced by Kate Bush and not the other way around. "Running up that hill" was Kate's early 80s hit.

11:15 PM  

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